Tiny/Midland Parking Update

Because of the bad sight lines coming out of this parking lot, where the Tiny and Midland sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail meet, the County of Simcoe has closed the parking lot on the east side of Overheadbridge Road opposite Kingfischer Road. A large new parking lot has been built just 500 m further south, but it is not plowed (as yet). We are currently investigating a new route for the very last 200 m of the Midland section, and perhaps a blue side trail to the new parking lot. Meanwhile, park on Kingfischer Road and cross Overheadbridge Road if you want to hike east towards Midland. 

Midland GAP – make up date success

Although it was a hot and humid day on July 13, eighteen hikers registered for the make up date for the 18 km GAP hike, i.e. the new trail that connects the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.  The trail follows the beautiful valley of the Tiny Trail for a bit, then goes through the Thompson Forest, and down the Mid Pen Link to come out on the Midland Rotary Waterfront Trail (with some short road sections in between). Although we had one drop out due to the humidity, the other 17 hikers seemed to really enjoy the walk and were presented with a GAP badge. 

“I Hiked the Gap” Badge Now Available

Following the historic “closing of the gap” event on May 11, 2024, between the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail, we now have a continuous loop of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail in Simcoe County.

The 18 km Gap trail, includes 2 kms along the beautiful Tiny Rail Trail and passes by a wetland, several creek crossings, etc. The trail then ascends to the Thompson Forest. In Penetanguishene there is about 2 km sidewalk/road walking, before the trail descends to the Midland waterfront via the forested Mid Pen Link trail. The final 6 km is along the shore of Georgian Bay and the Wye River. You can do the 18 km at your own pace, and even in sections. Updated maps are posted here.

I Hiked the Gap Badge

As a consequence, anyone wishing to obtain the Midland and Tiny end-to-end section badges, now have to complete the new distances: 28.2 km for the Midland badge and 30 km for the Tiny badge.

As well, the beautiful “I Hiked the Gap” badge is now available for sale ($7) to anyone who hikes the 18 km Gap trail. To obtain the badge, we do not need a log, but ask that you post a selfie or photo taken on your hike on the Gap trail, and post it in the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Group on Facebook, and order the badge using the Merchandise Order Form.

Any questions, please contact badgofficer@ghta.ca or president@ghta.ca.

“I Closed the Gap”

On Saturday May 11, 2024, a historic hiking event occurred along the Ganaraska Hiking Trail which has been over ten years in the making. It took that long to close the gap that existed between the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.

The day began at Sainte Marie Among the Hurons, where an official ceremony took place, which was attended by municipal officials from Tay Township, Tiny Township and the Town of Midland, who along with Midland’s past club president Larry Piitz, recognized the benefits associated with creating new trails and hiking in general. They also applauded the amazing contributions of countless volunteers who made both the trail and the event possible. Following the land acknowledgement read by Midland council member and club member Jaz Patel, a very touching blessing was delivered by Father O’Brien, a Jesuit priest from the Martyrs’ Shrine. Following this, Frieda Baldwin, president of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association, did the honours of cutting the ribbon, thereby signifying the realization of a continuous trail between the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.

Now that the 18 km “gap” in the route has been closed, the Midland section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail now measures 28.2 km. An additional 3.3 kms were added to the Tiny section, making it 30 km long before it meets the Wasaga Beach section.

Starting at the 12th Concession in Tiny Township, the new trail winds its way along the Tiny Railtrail to the Thompson Forest. The trail then goes through the Bellisle subdivision in the Town of Penetanguishene and along the Midland waterfront, ending at the Wye River near Sainte Marie Among the Hurons. This represents a varied terrain including a beautiful section of the Tiny Railtrail, a mainly deciduous forest, a residential area, a waterfront trail along Georgian Bay and finally, a path along the Wye River on property owned by Parks Canada. Special thanks are given to Tiny Township for their creation of a set of stairs and a bridge which have made the trail more accessible.

On the day of the “I Closed the Gap” hike, 45 hikers undertook the 18 km hike challenge. They were bused to the start of the hike at Tiny Conc. 12 and walked back to their cars. Many volunteers were stationed along the route, ensuring the safety of hikers at critical junctures, along with providing a delightful rest station at Pete Petterson Park. Participants were treated to the music of guitar and steel pan as well as a myriad of healthy snacks and energy yielding treats, a water filling station and a first aid station. At the end of the journey, hikers were rewarded with a free commemorative badge signifying completion of the hike.

To see the ribbon cutting and participants click I Closed the Gap Photo Album

In conclusion, thank you to all who were instrumental in helping achieve the dream of a connected trail. And thanks to Mother Nature who presented us all with such a perfect day for hiking after being so very uncooperative on the originally scheduled date!
Happy hiking!


At the Annual General Meeting held on April 27, the Volunteer of the Year and Trail Maintenance Awards were announced and presented by Frieda Baldwin, President.

Volunteer of the Year – Christine Cornu

This year we recognize Christine Cornu for her contribution to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.

Christine has been the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. membership secretary since May 2020 when GHTA was in a pinch when our previous Membership Director Lois Kowal unexpectedly passed away.

As the membership director, Christine has shown great attention to detail which is so important in this volunteer role. She is always helpful and approachable in assisting members with their registration questions and follows up on double payments and other scenarios that members present her with. We appreciate the consistency in her work – always on top of the membership process.

Christine was recently encouraged to adopt the GHTA’s migration to the Microsoft platform. As a Mac user, we recognize that it can be challenging to convert to working in the Microsoft world. However, Christine demonstrated an eagerness to learn the new platform in a very patient fashion.

Christine was also a wonderful President of the Oro Medonte club from 2016 to 2023. She was well organized, decisive in her decisions and creative. The executive would meet twice a year to come together socially and Christine always came up with an event that was fun and entertaining. Christine is also a dedicated Hike Ontario certified Hike Leader.

Her friendliness and quiet humour went a long way to welcome members on club hikes. Her enthusiasm for nature and hiking was catching and she would throw herself into tasks like Trail Maintenance or finding new trails. During the pandemic she showed her leadership by creating bi-weekly hikes which were popular with all.

Christine, your contributions and commitment to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. are very much appreciated.

Trail Maintenance Club Award – MIDLAND

After many years of planning, negotiating with landowners, mapping the route and the hard work of blazing a new trail, it is a pleasure to be able to say congratulations to the Midland Club for closing the gap between the Midland and Tiny trail sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.

The 18 KM of new trail provides an interesting and pleasant hike along the Tiny Trail, through the Thompson tract of Simcoe County Forests and through Penetanguishene as well as along Midland’s beautiful waterfront, overlooking Georgian Bay.

Closing this gap also creates a Ganaraska Hiking Trail loop in Simcoe County consisting of the Mad River, Wasaga Beach, Tiny, Midland and Oro-Medonte sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail, as well as part of the Barrie section. This significant achievement and addition to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail system makes the Midland Club our choice for the 2023 Trail Maintenance Award – well done!”.

I Closed the Gap – New Date

Hike On the Midland and Tiny Trail Extensions

On May 11, 2024 (new date) lace up those hiking boots and join us for the historic “I Closed the Gap” Hike along the beautiful Ganaraska Hiking Trail through Midland, Penetanguishene and Tiny. This project has been over 10 years in the making. Get ready to explore the beautiful Georgian Bay shoreline and various forest trails, breathe in the fresh air, and challenge yourself on this scenic trail. For more details and to register click here.

2023.10.29 – Midland Trail Alert

Hikers of the Midland section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail should take note of the fact that at approx. km 11, there is a safety underpass that the trail goes under while bridge construction on Old Fort Road is taking place above. As hikers descend down to the orange fence, note that the fence has been cut to allow passage for hikers. See pictures.

Also, at approx. km 2.5 the Midland club is undertaking a reroute to by-pass a very wet area, probably caused by a beaver. A new pedestrian bridge has been installed, as well as stepping blocks but the new route has not been blazed as yet, until we know for sure that the route marked with pink ribbon will be confirmed as the new route. A group of Orillia, Medonte and Midland club members were the first to test the new bridge. 

Another step forward in closing the gap!

Big surprise this morning on our Wednesday morning hike, when Midland Ganaraska Hiking Club president Larry Piitz had the notion that we should hike in the Thompson Forest leading to the Tiny Trail (also called Bridges Trail and part of the Trans Canada Trail). Good thing we did as we discovered the beautiful set of stairs built by Tiny Township at our request and leading from the top of the cliff down to the Tiny Trail. 39 steps!!! 

This will become part of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail, as we close the gap between the Midland and Tiny sections of the trail…. hopefully before year end. Just some minor loose ends still to get approved. 

This will add another 16 km approximately to the Midland section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.  

First Badge Awarded – 50 Hikes in One Year

Kudos to Diane Reid McConkey for being the first recipient of the new “50 Hikes in 1 Year” badge. Diane is a new hiker, who joined the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. in December 2022, and set herself a goal of doing 50 hikes in 2023… but she already surpassed this goal, and is well on her way to reaching 100 hikes in 1 calendar year. Today, she mentioned that her newfound love for snowshoeing sped up her attempt to reach 50… and 100 hikes in 2023. Well done, Diane! Kudos also to all the other hikers who have already done 50 or 100 hikes this year. 

Trailblazers look to close loop of Ganaraska in Penetanguishene

Local hiking association seek North Simcoe permissions to bridge trail gap from Martyrs’ Shrine to Tiny Trail at Conc. 12

by Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association looked to Penetanguishene council recently with a trailblazing request to close the loop at the northern ends of the 500-km trail which nearly loops within Simcoe County.

If you’ve ever wanted to meet modern trailblazers, North Simcoe might have your solution.

Representatives from the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association (GHTA) approached Penetanguishene council during the recent regular meeting, seeking permission to blaze trails through the Midland, Penetanguishene, and Tiny Township areas to attach the unconnected ends of a popular trail system.

GHTA president Frieda Baldwin gave a presentation to council regarding the proposal.

“It’s a hiking trail 500-kilometres long from Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay,” Baldwin explained. “It passes through the Peterborough area, Orillia, Barrie, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Penetanguishene, and so on. The trail is maintained by volunteers; there are nine clubs and members of each club maintain the trail.”

The hiking trail originated in the early 1960s for naturalists to enjoy unspoiled lands across the province, and by 1968 the Ganaraska hiking trail was officially opened from Port Hope to Lindsay. Shortly after, more sections were added to the overall coverage.

However, the trail was never fully connected in its Simcoe County portion. The western trail ends at the Tay Shore Trail beside Sainte-Marie among the Hurons outside Midland, while the eastern trail ceases at the Tiny Trail and Conc. 12 E. junction in Tiny Township.

“The purpose of this deputation is to ask permission from the town… to blaze a trail through Penetanguishene. We are not going to build any new trails – we are not asking permission for that – just to blaze the trail,” said Baldwin.

In blazing a trail, path markers measuring two-by-six inches are put onto visible waypoints for the purpose of navigation, whether through paint or by installing material like PVC. Blazes can be found on trees, various posts, bridges, rocks, and hydro poles among the many available options.

For the request, Baldwin offered the preferred off-road route between the Wye River to Tiny Conc. 12 through the following connections: from the Midland waterfront trail to the Mid-Pen link at Murray Rd.; to Thompson Rd. W. over to Thompson Rd. E. and along the multi-use trail; through the Thompson/Martin Valley county forest to Overhead Bridge Rd.; and using a new Kingfisher trail to arrive at the Tiny Trail.

“In 2010, we actually obtained permission from the town of Midland,” Baldwin told council, “but the other municipalities… we were not making much progress.”

Approval for the Tiny Township portion had been previously granted, according to Baldwin, with a $2,500 budget allocation for stairs to the Tiny Trail postponed until 2023. She added that the GHTA had also sought trailblazing permission from Midland council and was waiting for approval.

The request was put forward through Mayor Doug Rawson to the recreation and community services section to be explored by staff for consideration.

The Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association deputation, with slides and further information, can be located on the agenda page of the Town of Penetanguishene website.

Meetings of Penetanguishene council are held on the second Wednesday of each month, and can be watched live on Rogers TV cable 53, or on the Rogers TV website.

Archives of council meetings are located on the Town of Penetanguishene YouTube channel.