The 500 km long Ganaraska Hiking Trail is only made possible through the generosity of many landowners, who permit the building of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail on their property. We are immensely appreciative of this.
We currently have both handshake and written agreements with many private landowners, conservation areas, provincial and municipal agencies, etc.
Here is sample of a simple written agreement.
In order to protect our landowners, we have a $5 million liability insurance, which will also come to the defence of our landowners, in case of a lawsuit brought against them, as a direct result of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail being on their property.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. does have a “minimum impact” trail maintenance standard, in order to protect the local environment the trail goes through. This means that we will just clear enough of a path, so that hikers can follow the trail.
Our trail is open to Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. members and non-members alike. There is no fee for using the trail.
Hikers are reminded that a trail is a privilege, not a right, and asked to follow proper trail etiquette guidelines. See the Hiker’s Code.
Please contact our Landowner Relations Director with any questions or concerns.