There are many ways to help the Association keep the Trail in great shape and help others enjoy it now and for decades to come. In addition to the many Association Board and Officer roles listed below, member clubs require hike leaders and hike schedule coordinators, landowner liasions, social convenors, trail maintenance volunteers, local membership coordinators, communications, social media, etc.
Just use the General Enquiries link under Contact Us to express your interest, or speak with your local club president or the association president, and they will happy to tell you more about ways you can get involved. Thank you!
Executive Roles – President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Trail and Landowner Relations Director
Club Presidents and Board Representatives
Membership Director, Badge Officer, Archivist, Website, Newsletter Editor, Social Media, Publicity Officer (vacant)
Represent the Association with other organizations:
Hike Ontario Rep, Nature Canada Rep, QE II Wildland Prov. Park Rep, Couchiching Conservancy Rep