The Ganaraska Hiking Trail is available for all to enjoy.
If you hike on the Ganaraska Hiking Trail or participate in any of the organized activities or events, you do so at your own risk. The Ganaraska Hiking Trail uses a ‘minimum impact’ standard with few man-made structures. The Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association is not responsible for injury or loss experienced while hiking on the trail or participating in any event.
Many stretches of the trail cross private property. At all times, behave as guests of the landowners who have granted you the privilege of hiking on their land.
The Wilderness section should only be hiked with an experienced hiker familiar with the Trail.
Hikers’ Code:
Respect private property
Stay on the trail
Cross fences using stiles
Carry out all garbage
Walk around the edge of fields
Protect wildlife, trees and shrubs
Never strip bark from trees
Keep dogs on a leash near farms and where required by law (NOTE: No dogs on group hikes)
Always remember a trail is a privilege, not a right.
Trail Markers
The trail is marked with white (main trail) or blue (side trail) paint blazes. The blazes are a white strip, approximately 5 cm wide and 15 cm high (2” x 6”), painted on trees, posts and rocks. Two blazes, one slightly above the other and to the side, indicate a turn, with the upper blaze telling the direction of the turn. Turns may also be indicated by the Ganaraska Hiking Trail logo, in which case you follow the direction of the arrow. In the wilderness, trail markers may also be in the form of rock cairns, flagging tape or painted markers on rocks; and a change in direction may be indicated by a painted ‘dog leg’ on a flat rock or by a double blaze. A branch side trail from a blue blazed trail (for instance, a trail leading to a camp site) will be blazed yellow.