Covid-19 Update April 9, 2021

GHTA Inc. Covid-19 Update – April 9, 2021

Since April 1, 2021, only a few days have passed, but a world of difference in protocol has happened.

As of April 8 (yesterday), the Provincial Stay-at-Home orders mandate that citizens may only leave their homes for certain essential purposes, which include exercise – but on certain government websites the wording is: “exercise with persons in your own household” (or if you live alone, with one other household).   We have been in touch with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit for clarification and they confirm that persons can still gather in groups of up to 5, maintaining social distance, wearing masks when that can’t happen.

Further, the Stay-at-Home orders restrict travel to “within your community”.  We asked for clarification of “community”, and the answer still did not give us a clear definition, but we understood that at a minimum, it means “within your local health unit region”.  To minimize the risk of transmitting Covid between actual communities, we therefore continue recommending  the limiting of travel time to a trailhead  within 15-30 minutes’ driving distance. 

So, the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. is pleased to announce that its clubs can continue to offer hikes with up to 5 persons maximum including the leader and following all our previously described social distancing Covid protocols.  

Continue safe hiking – enjoy the spring!

Frieda Baldwin, President, 

Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association, Inc.

705 245 1005

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