Covid-19 Update

Covid Update Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. – Feb. 13, 2021

On Feb. 16, 2021, the health unit regions through which the Ganaraska Hiking Trail runs, and where their clubs are located, will return to colour code Orange (Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes and Pine Ridge), or Red (Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit). This allows a return to group hikes! (albeit still for members only).

With that change, outdoor gatherings will have the restrictions lessened, allowing up to 25 participants. However, your Executive discussed this at a recent meeting, and recommends that hike groups be restricted to 10. This allows for better adherence to social
distancing. Pre-registration is still required, including name and contact

information of participants. If practical, we are also suggesting that Emergency Contact information (name of person to be contacted in the event of an emergency and their telephone number) be collected at the time of registration.

Covid protocols are still in place – stay at home if you are feeling unwell (don’t join a group hike), wear a mask when gathering at the trailhead, or when you can’t maintain social distance, keep a distance of at least 6 feet (2 m) between yourself and others, and get 6 feet off the trail when meeting oncoming or passing hikers/bikers.

With regard to travel – stay within your health unit region, and try to limit your distance to within 20 – 30 minutes’ drive. Unfortunately members living or working in grey-lockdown zone are still not allowed to join us on any group hikes.

Fingers crossed that restrictions will ease in time, but that is for the future. In the meantime, stay safe, and enjoy the great outdoors.

Frieda Baldwin, President,
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association, Inc. 705-245-1005

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