No Public Camping is Allowed on Ganaraska Hiking Trail

  • There are unfortunately no public camp sites along the Ganaraska Hiking Trail, other than in the Wilderness section. 
  • Here are some more details about that: “While there are camping sites within Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park (which encompasses most of the Wilderness Section of the Ganaraska Trail), please be advised that QEIIWPP is a “non-operating” park, which means park users have free access but there is no reservation system and demand far exceeds supply, especially during the summer and weekends. Through hikers will need to spend a night at Loon Lake in the centre of the park, but at least that location should be okay for capacity. Anyone requiring further information should contact the Ontario Parks office at Balsam Lake.”
  • Also note that the provincial parks along the Ganaraska Hiking Trail are day-use only, and the campground at New Lowell Conservation Area is for seasonal campers only, and is actually closed for walk through hiking during Covid-19 restrictions. Hikers will have to detour to Hoggback Road.
Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park

Frieda Baldwin

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