Updated: Nov 13, 2024 This section has been reopened.
The Ganaraska loop side trail on the west side of the Tiny Marsh Provincial Wildlife Area has been temporarily closed due to a fallen tree damaging the boardwalk along this trail. Please do not attempt to hike on this trail until notice is provided that the boardwalk has been repaired.
Original Posting Dated 2024.08.04 – SCF Logging Affects Barrie Trail.
Logging in SCF Smith Tract has resulted in the temporary closure of the Barrie Club Bear’s Creek Sidetrail, located just north of Midhurst where Gill Road crosses the railway tracks (KM 24.9 on the Barrie trail). The main Barrie trail is unaffected and remains open. Please obey all posted signs in the area and avoid hiking this side trail until further notice.
Although it was a hot and humid day on July 13, eighteen hikers registered for the make up date for the 18 km GAP hike, i.e. the new trail that connects the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail. The trail follows the beautiful valley of the Tiny Trail for a bit, then goes through the Thompson Forest, and down the Mid Pen Link to come out on the Midland Rotary Waterfront Trail (with some short road sections in between). Although we had one drop out due to the humidity, the other 17 hikers seemed to really enjoy the walk and were presented with a GAP badge.
For those that hike in the Midhurst area please note that access to the Ganaraska hiking trail at the Belmont\Doran Rd. intersection is temporarily closed due to severe washout. A map to an alternate route (Belmont Rd to Finlay Mill Rd. to Willow Creek) along the Hunter Russell Nature trail to meet up with the GHT is posted at the closure site. From the Midhurst Community Centre one can also walk along Finlay Mill Rd. to Willow Creek where the detour begins.
Lace up those hiking boots and join us for the historic “I closed the Gap” Hike along the beautiful Ganaraska Hiking Trail through Midland, Penetanguishene and Tiny. This project has been over 10 years in the making. Get ready to explore the beautiful Georgian Bay shoreline and various forest trails, breathe in the fresh air, and challenge yourself on this scenic trail.
On Saturday July 13, 2024, the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. is organizing a make up hike for those who wish to hike “the Gap” but were not available on the originally scheduled dates of April 13 and May 11, 2024. This will be a much scaled down event from the earlier dates (no ribbon cutting, checkpoints, etc.)
On Sunday July 14, we are also offering a shuttle for anyone who is interested in hiking the other part of the Midland section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail to get their End to End badge.
On Saturday July 13, 2024 hikers are to arrive and park at Sainte Marie Among the Hurons before being shuttled to the start location of the hike on Tiny Conc. 12 and walk back to the Wye River (approx. 18 kms). The hike will take between approximately 4 and 5 hours to complete.
Due to the distance, undulating terrain and some walking on concrete/asphalt, this is described as a moderate hike; however, you will walk at your own pace, by following the white navigational blazes. (see below)
Just enter your name and email address. Your email address will only be visible to the organizers (not to other participants). Please contact president@ghta.ca if you need to cancel after you have registered.
On July 13, at registration, you’ll be required to provide your cellphone number, emergency contact name and phone.
By registering, all hikers confirm that they have read and acknowledge the Waiver and Assumption of Risks of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc, which reads as follows:
I acknowledge that the activity in which I am participating involves risks. In consideration of being permitted to participate, I hereby assume any and all such risks and hereby release and discharge the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc, its officers, directors and volunteers, the owner of such lands I may cross or find myself upon and my fellow hikers, their successors and assigns from any and all claims for loss or damage directly or indirectly arising as a result of my participation in this activity. I confirm that I am aware of the nature of the activity, the duration and the degree of difficulty and that I am properly equipped and physically able to participate. I have no medical conditions that might preclude my participation. Each adult accepts full responsibility for all persons under 18 that may be in their care.
Participation is free.
8:45 AM: Hike registration of “I close the Gap” hike starts.
Meet at: Sainte Marie Among the Hurons parking 16164 ON-12, Midland What 3 words: ///eardrum.negligible.reports
9:00 AM Shuttle loading starts and participants be taken to Tiny Conc. 12, from where hikers will hike back to their cars at the Wye River. Duration of the ride: 15 min.
The hike starts off on the Tiny Trail, a railtrail between Elmvale and Penetanguishene. The trail traverses the scenic valley of the Copeland Creek and crosses the creek several times.
After about 2 kms look for the turn blaze and take the newly built stairs up to the edge of the cliff and follow the white blazes in the forest. Do not trespass onto adjacent private property.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail ascends up the hill through part of the Thompson Forest owned by Simcoe County Forests.
At Overhead Bridge Road, cross carefully to the east side of the road and follow the path to the parking lot opposite Kingfischer Road. At this point you have done 3.3 kms on the Tiny section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail. This location is the new junction between the Tiny and Midland sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.
At the parking lot in the bend of Overhead Bridge Road, turn left (east) into the beautiful Thompson Forest by following the white blazes, until you exit the forest at Thompson Road West, which takes you to County Road 93.
There will likely still be a small detour here, that is not blazed. You will be turning east (right) onto Revol Road which is still under construction, to Beausoleil Road. Turn right again on Beausoleil and left on Thompson Road west.
Cross CR93 at the lights and immediately turn right (south) on Murray Road, which after 1 km of ups and downs continues on the steep descent of the 2km long paved Mid Pen Link, which connects Midland with Penetanguishene. The Mid Pen Link exits at Harbourview Drive. Walk on the right (west) side of Harbourview Drive, and cross that road just past the apartment building.
A small path between the apartment building and a wetland brings hikers to Pete Pettersen Park, with its beautiful view of Georgian Bay, the marinas, playground, baseball field, and washroom. Great spot for a picnic by the beach.
Continue the hike on the Midland Rotary Waterfront Trail, which takes you through downtown Midland and its harbour. Washrooms at the harbour office. Nearby are restaurants, coffee shops, etc.
Stay on the paved trail until you pass the playground and look for blazes leading you to a dirt path, which stays below the hillside.
At Midland Bay Landing with its benches, washroom, and boardwalk, continue on the multi-use recreational trail on the south side of the blue houses. Follow this waterfront trail, enjoy the views.
Continue until you pass a water retention pond. Take the path that goes into the wooded area, and along the Wye River where you will see the Martyrs’ Shrine. Continue along this path to Sainte Marie Park and via a series of bridges to your car at Sainte Marie Among the Hurons.
Please check out with our volunteers and receive your “I hiked the Gap”.
Everyone walks at their own pace, so we expect that it may take 4-5 hours, depending on your pace.
FEE – free
Please make sure to checkout with our volunteers at the end of the hike, so we know you are safely off the trail.
All hikers will be provided with a free commemorative “I hiked the Gap” button upon check in, as well as a “I hiked the Gap badge upon completion of the hike.
Please sign up for the Gap hike by July 6, if you wish a free badge. (We need some time to make sure we have enough badges).
The following are recommended but not essential: hiking poles or walking sticks for the hills and uneven terrain but note that some of the trail will be hard surface (asphalt, concrete) so also bring the rubber booties for the poles. You may also want to bring extra socks & shoes; braces if you have knee issues.
Water bottle. Some hikers simply require more hydration, and warm temperatures can increase everyone’s needs. Water bottles can be re-filled at the Pete Pettersen or harbour washrooms.
A cell phone for safety reasons and so we can reach you, if needed.
A sun or rain hat, sun screen, bug repellent, after-bite, band-aids suitable for blisters, lunch, a small first aid kit with any particular items you may require, e.g. an asthma puffer or epi pen. Don’t forget your preferred analgesic.
We suggest you put your name on your gear (hats, keys, poles, etc.) in case they are lost.
Sure! Hikers under 18 years of age are absolutely welcome, but they must be accompanied on the hike by an adult. Note however that the hike is considered moderate in difficulty, and definitely not easy.
No, unless it is a service dog, in which case you need to contact president@ghta.ca so special transportation arrangements to the start of the hike can be made.
Most of the trail would be accessible, and is hard surface, however, there is also a section that includes stairs, as well as uneven ground (roots, rocks) and the forest paths can be muddy and have loose sand.
At Tiny conc. 12 (start of the hike), Pete Pettersen Park, Midland Town Dock and Midland Bay Landing.
For minor first aid, please call 705-937-1005. For more serious cases, call 911.
You can download maps 31 & 32 from the Ganaraska Hiking Trail website. Maps are available for free. You may also want to download the Trail Description for the newly extended Tiny and Midland sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.
You can also download the free Ondago trail map for your mobile device, which will show distances, parking areas, what there is to see along the trail, and more importantly show your location with respect to the actual trail (should you have come off the trail). We should have the Ondago app ready for July 13.
The Ganaraska Hiking Trail uses the same navigational trail blazes as many of the other long distance hiking trails, such as the Bruce Trail. Here is an explanation.
We also recommend that you download the What 3 Words app to your phone which will pinpoint your exact location in case of an emergency or you get lost. Emergency rescue services such as the OPP etc. encourage the use of What 3 Words in emergency situations.
(Only organizers will see your email address. It will not be visible to other participants)
Please let us know if for some reason you cannot attend.
While there are lots of hotels and B&B’s in Midland & area, hikers may want to take advantage of the special Ganaraska Hiking Trail rate at the King’s Inn, managed by one of Midland club’s members Jaz Patel. http://kingsinn.ca/Midland/Gallery.aspx
On Sunday July 14, 2024 volunteers of the Midland club of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail are willing to be Trail Angels and offer free car shuttles to the start of the Midland section at Vasey Road and Reeves Road, i.e. to km 0. From there you can walk back at your own pace to your car. This hike is all off road, mostly through forests and pasture lands, and the terrain is undulating, and the ground can be uneven. The trail also follows two old railway lines. One is unpaved and owned by the local snowmobile club. Once you cross hwy 12 you will be on the paved Tay Shore Trail, owned by Tay Township, but the Ganaraska Hiking Trail veers off onto an adjacent dirt path a few times. The first 13.5 km of the Midland section ends at the Wye River. Some parts of this trail can be wet or muddy, especially after significant rainfall. No hike leaders will be provided on July 14, but volunteers will sweep the trail to make sure everyone got back to their cars safely.
Map 32 shows the km 0 – 13.5 Midland section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail. See https://ganaraska-hiking-trail.org/?page_id=26 to download the map and Trail Description. Also download the Ondago app of the Midland section.
By adding this additional hike on the Sunday, in combination with the “gap” hike, you will qualify for your Midland section End to End (E2E) badge. Badges can be ordered for $7 using the Merchandise Form mentioned above.
Bring lunch, hiking poles, water, etc. Meet at 10 AM at Sainte Marie Among the Hurons, 16164 ON-12 in Midland. What 3 words: ///eardrum.negligible.reports.
if you wish to take advantage of this “Trail Angel” offer. Please notify president@ghta.ca or 705-245-1005 if for some reason you cannot participate after registering. Thanks.
PS Contact president@ghta.ca if you also wish to hike the Tiny End to End of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail while in town on your own. Perhaps we can help with a car shuttle.
Please call:
Prior to the event: Frieda Baldwin 705-245-1005 (res)
Following the historic “closing of the gap” event on May 11, 2024, between the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail, we now have a continuous loop of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail in Simcoe County.
The 18 km Gap trail, includes 2 kms along the beautiful Tiny Rail Trail and passes by a wetland, several creek crossings, etc. The trail then ascends to the Thompson Forest. In Penetanguishene there is about 2 km sidewalk/road walking, before the trail descends to the Midland waterfront via the forested Mid Pen Link trail. The final 6 km is along the shore of Georgian Bay and the Wye River. You can do the 18 km at your own pace, and even in sections. Updated maps are posted here.
I Hiked the Gap Badge
As a consequence, anyone wishing to obtain the Midland and Tiny end-to-end section badges, now have to complete the new distances: 28.2 km for the Midland badge and 30 km for the Tiny badge.
As well, the beautiful “I Hiked the Gap” badge is now available for sale ($7) to anyone who hikes the 18 km Gap trail. To obtain the badge, we do not need a log, but ask that you post a selfie or photo taken on your hike on the Gap trail, and post it in the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Group on Facebook, and order the badge using the Merchandise Order Form.
On Saturday May 11, 2024, a historic hiking event occurred along the Ganaraska Hiking Trail which has been over ten years in the making. It took that long to close the gap that existed between the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.
The day began at Sainte Marie Among the Hurons, where an official ceremony took place, which was attended by municipal officials from Tay Township, Tiny Township and the Town of Midland, who along with Midland’s past club president Larry Piitz, recognized the benefits associated with creating new trails and hiking in general. They also applauded the amazing contributions of countless volunteers who made both the trail and the event possible. Following the land acknowledgement read by Midland council member and club member Jaz Patel, a very touching blessing was delivered by Father O’Brien, a Jesuit priest from the Martyrs’ Shrine. Following this, Frieda Baldwin, president of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association, did the honours of cutting the ribbon, thereby signifying the realization of a continuous trail between the Midland and Tiny sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.
Now that the 18 km “gap” in the route has been closed, the Midland section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail now measures 28.2 km. An additional 3.3 kms were added to the Tiny section, making it 30 km long before it meets the Wasaga Beach section.
Starting at the 12th Concession in Tiny Township, the new trail winds its way along the Tiny Railtrail to the Thompson Forest. The trail then goes through the Bellisle subdivision in the Town of Penetanguishene and along the Midland waterfront, ending at the Wye River near Sainte Marie Among the Hurons. This represents a varied terrain including a beautiful section of the Tiny Railtrail, a mainly deciduous forest, a residential area, a waterfront trail along Georgian Bay and finally, a path along the Wye River on property owned by Parks Canada. Special thanks are given to Tiny Township for their creation of a set of stairs and a bridge which have made the trail more accessible.
On the day of the “I Closed the Gap” hike, 45 hikers undertook the 18 km hike challenge. They were bused to the start of the hike at Tiny Conc. 12 and walked back to their cars. Many volunteers were stationed along the route, ensuring the safety of hikers at critical junctures, along with providing a delightful rest station at Pete Petterson Park. Participants were treated to the music of guitar and steel pan as well as a myriad of healthy snacks and energy yielding treats, a water filling station and a first aid station. At the end of the journey, hikers were rewarded with a free commemorative badge signifying completion of the hike.
In conclusion, thank you to all who were instrumental in helping achieve the dream of a connected trail. And thanks to Mother Nature who presented us all with such a perfect day for hiking after being so very uncooperative on the originally scheduled date!
Happy hiking!
At the Annual General Meeting held on April 27, the Volunteer of the Year and Trail Maintenance Awards were announced and presented by Frieda Baldwin, President.
Volunteer of the Year – Christine Cornu
This year we recognize Christine Cornu for her contribution to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc.
Christine has been the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. membership secretary since May 2020 when GHTA was in a pinch when our previous Membership Director Lois Kowal unexpectedly passed away.
As the membership director, Christine has shown great attention to detail which is so important in this volunteer role. She is always helpful and approachable in assisting members with their registration questions and follows up on double payments and other scenarios that members present her with. We appreciate the consistency in her work – always on top of the membership process.
Christine was recently encouraged to adopt the GHTA’s migration to the Microsoft platform. As a Mac user, we recognize that it can be challenging to convert to working in the Microsoft world. However, Christine demonstrated an eagerness to learn the new platform in a very patient fashion.
Christine was also a wonderful President of the Oro Medonte club from 2016 to 2023. She was well organized, decisive in her decisions and creative. The executive would meet twice a year to come together socially and Christine always came up with an event that was fun and entertaining. Christine is also a dedicated Hike Ontario certified Hike Leader.
Her friendliness and quiet humour went a long way to welcome members on club hikes. Her enthusiasm for nature and hiking was catching and she would throw herself into tasks like Trail Maintenance or finding new trails. During the pandemic she showed her leadership by creating bi-weekly hikes which were popular with all.
Christine, your contributions and commitment to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association Inc. are very much appreciated.
Trail Maintenance Club Award – MIDLAND
After many years of planning, negotiating with landowners, mapping the route and the hard work of blazing a new trail, it is a pleasure to be able to say congratulations to the Midland Club for closing the gap between the Midland and Tiny trail sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail.
The 18 KM of new trail provides an interesting and pleasant hike along the Tiny Trail, through the Thompson tract of Simcoe County Forests and through Penetanguishene as well as along Midland’s beautiful waterfront, overlooking Georgian Bay.
Closing this gap also creates a Ganaraska Hiking Trail loop in Simcoe County consisting of the Mad River, Wasaga Beach, Tiny, Midland and Oro-Medonte sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail, as well as part of the Barrie section. This significant achievement and addition to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail system makes the Midland Club our choice for the 2023 Trail Maintenance Award – well done!”.
A portion of the Oro-Medonte trail in Copeland Forest will be temporarily closed due to spring seasonal wet conditions. The trail section is just north of the Oro-Medonte and Barrie trail junction near sign post 5 and continues north to sign post 4 – approximately 1 km in length. There is an alternate trail that can be used to the east of the Oro-Medonte trail (see attached map).
Signs will be installed at the end points of the closed section (sample attached). Please do not try to use the closed section – walking around the wet sections on the trail can cause damage to environmentally sensitive areas in the forest. We are lucky to have access to the Copeland Forest trail system so let’s do our part to make our trail system sustainable.
There will be a follow-on notice when the trail is re-opened.
On May 11, 2024 (new date) lace up those hiking boots and join us for the historic “I Closed the Gap” Hike along the beautiful Ganaraska Hiking Trail through Midland, Penetanguishene and Tiny. This project has been over 10 years in the making. Get ready to explore the beautiful Georgian Bay shoreline and various forest trails, breathe in the fresh air, and challenge yourself on this scenic trail. For more details and to register click here.