The 100 Hikes in 2022 Challenge

Earlier this year, Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association president, Frieda Baldwin, launched a Challenge for 2022 to encourage hikers to get out in nature, for their physical and mental health, and to explore new trail locations. Several have taken up the challenge and are posting their sequentially numbered hikes on the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Facebook Group with the hashtag #ghta100hikesin2022. Anyone can participate, and the hike can be anywhere, provided it is at least one hour in duration, and that the name of the trail or location is mentioned, accompanied by one or more nature photos.

Some participants then asked “Do we get a badge for that?”, and the answer is YES! You can order your 100 Hikes in 1 Year badge on the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Merchandise Order Form.

If you have not started counting your hikes, it’s not too late. GHTA Association president Frieda Baldwin completed her 100th hike (in 129 days since January 1), and was the first one to order the 100 Hikes in 1 Year badge. So, who will challenge her?

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