We have two new additions to our Executive Team – here is a bit of information about them!
Steve Pogue – Secretary
Steve is an outdoor enthusiast and a member of the Wilderness Club. He has a wealth of leadership experience serving as a director of a non-profit corporation and as a municipal councillor. His experience includes board governance, policy, government relations, financial and property management, as well as trail and forest management.
Steve is currently working as a Senior Systems Administrator and thrives on outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, cycling and cross country skiing.
Neil Runnalls – Trail Director/Landowner Relations Director
Neil is a member of the Wilderness Club and past Trail Director for the Wilderness Section. He is also a Certified Hike Leader and is currently leading a group of hikers on an E2E of the entire Ganaraska Hiking Trail. They completed the Pine Ridge and Kawartha sections and are embarking on the Orillia section now.
He is a school principal with the TDSB and has an acreage with horses to look after, and so he is pretty busy, but willing to take on the Trail/Landowner Relations Director job, with the help of the new positions of Signage Coordinator and Mapping Coordinator.
Welcome Steve and Neil to the Executive, and thank you both for your contributions to the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association, Inc.