Barrie Club Spring Hike Changes


This Hike is Missing from the Spring 2016 News:

Sunday, May  22  <Easy>
Hike for 2 – 2 1/2 hrs  behind the Simcoe County Museum.
Meet in parking lot behind the Simcoe County Museum on left side of Hwy 26, after turning left off Bayfield St. at 10.30 am
Contact:  Norah Stebner @ 705-726-3163 or Min Pinkney @ 705-797-1989

This Hike’s Leader is changed:

Sunday, May 15 <EASY/MODERATE>
Hike in the Barrie area at Ardagh Bluffs. Easy pace for approx. 2 1/2 – 3 hours with a number of short steep hills. Leaving from rear parking lot of Canadian Tire on Bayfield Street at 10am and the Holly Community Centre parking lot at 10:30am.

Contact: Bob Murrell @ 705-456-3163

Barrie Club AGM Report

October 18, 2015 Pot Luck Hike
October 18, 2015 Pot Luck Hike

2015 has been another successful year for the Barrie Ganaraska Hiking Trail Club. We have been following a full schedule of 26 Sunday Hikes, 13 Thursday hikes, 4 Cycle Rides and 2 Trips to Niagara Falls this Spring and Fall.

The Pot Luck was well attended from the Midland and Orillia sections. Although, the Barrie Section takes the lead on the Thursday Hikes we have very good representation from the Orillia Section.

Logging continues in the Barrie and Orillia sections and hikers should be aware that some sections of trail may not be cleared.

Springwater Park continues to welcome Ganaraska Hikers despite a confusing sign at our traditional entry point. The matter has been clarified and we will be posting a small Ganaraska Club sign on the same post as the Springwater Park sign at that point.

The Year In Pictures

Click on any thumbnail photo to start slideshow.