Tiny/Midland Parking Update

Because of the bad sight lines coming out of this parking lot, where the Tiny and Midland sections of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail meet, the County of Simcoe has closed the parking lot on the east side of Overheadbridge Road opposite Kingfischer Road. A large new parking lot has been built just 500 m further south, but it is not plowed (as yet). We are currently investigating a new route for the very last 200 m of the Midland section, and perhaps a blue side trail to the new parking lot. Meanwhile, park on Kingfischer Road and cross Overheadbridge Road if you want to hike east towards Midland. 

Some Trails Closed at the Tiffin Tract

Note that logging is currently taking place in the Tiffin county forest (in Midhurst), through which the Barrie section of the Ganaraska Hiking Trail runs. Loggers are currently also using the Smith Tract to forward timber out to the landing in the parking lot. They will be moving over to the gated section further East shortly. Hikers are expected to comply with the No Trespassing signs.

Update 2024.11.13 Tiny Rail Trail Temporary Closure

Updated: Nov 13, 2024 This section has been reopened.

Temporary Trail Closure – Tiny Rail Trail – North of Conc. 12 E to P5 Bridge

TAKE NOTICE that a portion of the Tiny Rail Trail will be closed between north of Concession 12 East to the P5 bridge for a culvert replacement. The trail will be closed from 7:30am on Monday, September 23, 2024 to 3:30pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.